Friday, August 27, 2010

Relocation, Relocation, Relocation

I stood in front of an audience of about 200 professionals and made a bold statement.

If you aren't getting any response on your resume, stop sending it out.

They laughed. Others looked stunned.

Stop doing what isn't working. Why continue on the same path getting the same result? Isn't that tremenously hard on your spirit?

If there is no response to your resume or skills it doesn't mean that YOU are the issue. It could simply be a reflection of the market itself.

I am not naive. I have heard of the 1% of the American population that is deemed 'unemployable'. No, I'm not talking to you. In fact, I doubt you are reading this blog at all.

Rather, I'm speaking to those that refuse to move to another city to find work or fear change.

Consider relocation. At least consider looking for work in another city and see what is out there.

There is an art to letting go and moving forward at the same moment.

Trust me....I've done this....

I don't ask others to do what I haven't done myself.