Monday, December 7, 2009

Aisle 9

Christmas Cards in bright red boxes lined the dusty shelves, with a tag that screamed 50% off if you buy today.

This is my favorite time of year and I love reflecting on all the clients and friends that touched my life. Writing each card is a special connection for me. The process of picking out the card, enclosing a short, personal note – all the way to the stamp on the envelope, makes me happy that I lived another year.

I’m typically a sucker for shiny things. Cards with gold or silver foil are typically what I buy.
I was taught in business that my cards cannot read “Merry Christmas”. They must be neutral and wish everyone “Happy Holidays” so not to exclude or offend anyone that receives my cheer note.

While I follow the rules, that does not diminish my joy or my desire to find the brightest, happiest greeting that I can find.

But on the dusty, cluttered shelf, this card was different.

This one made me stop and think.

In red font, with a floating snowflake behind the print it simply read:

Whatever is true,

Whatever is noble,

Whatever is right,

Whatever is pure,

Whatever is lovely,

Whatever is admirable,

If anything is excellent

Or praiseworthy—

Think about such things.

Those words floating on the page made me stop and think of you and I and our lives intertwined. We have all survived another year, during recession. Some of us lost our jobs. Some of us kept our jobs and worked longer, hoping each day to not get the pink slip. We cut back. We took a good, hard look at our finances and lifestyle while the world around us unwound. Healthcare, bank failures, buyouts, bailouts filled our conversations.

Could it get any worse?

Then a card, in a store on aisle nine. Reminding me to find the good. That it is always possible to find some small good in people, places and things around me.

It reminded me to stop being so external and to pull my energy inward in quiet contemplation.
To remember that this will all shift and end and we will all be something different when it is over.

To remember to see the joy, and that just remembering to see it, is a choice.

If anything is excellent, or praiseworthy, think about such things.

Think about such things…….such a small statement that would bring such power to us all if we did that one small step.