Monday, August 3, 2009

Applying to Jobs Online - No Response

When you are unemployed, life feels like:

Get online.
Look for jobs.
Apply into electronic cyberspace.
Hope this all ends soon.

It's very frustrating. And confusing. Why don't you hear back?

Well, you may not like this response, but it's the truth. This isn't about you, necessarily.

Think about it from the employer's perspective.

For example, a client of mine posted an ad for a Plant Manufacturing Engineer. She's in HR and got 600 resumes.

Yes, that's what I said.


I asked her what she did. She said she hired an intern to go through all 600 and put them into piles to help her organize the candidates. Frankly, I thought it was really impressive that she did this since she sincerely didn't want to miss out on a good hire.

In two weeks she was down to 60 resumes.

Keep in mind there is one job, located in Oregon.

So, she won't even get to interviews for another two weeks.

Perhaps you applied yesterday.

Get it?

It's not fun at all, but hang in there. It's all a part of the process.

Do NOT give up!